Guidance and dissemination of local information for smartphones and tablets with geo-localized audio, visual or audiovisual content, depending on the profile and language of the visitor. This information may relate to a location, a direction to take, or even practical, tourist or cultural information.AudioSpot therefore allows universal accessibility to information, broadcast in a format suitable for people with disabilities (audio guidance and audio description for the visually impaired, LSF visual and video content for the hearing impaired, location maps with specific access for people with reduced mobility , FALC language for cognitively impaired people, etc.), but also a geo-localized and interactive audio guide solution for everyone, personalized by visitor profile, and multilingual, with content that can be modified online in real time!The solution can use Bluetooth or beacon beacons, autonomous in energy, or GPS points (outdoors) with a configurable broadcasting distance (from 1 to 50 meters or even more outdoors).For more information, go to the website